Senior Art Show

May 03, 2024

Tuesday was the annual Senior Art Show, celebrating the work, talent, and dedication of the student artists who took an art class during their senior year. Some students exhibited a project created specifically for this show; some showed multiple projects from their senior year; and others presented work created during their years at MMFS. The theme of this year’s show was the movie Ratatouille.

In preparation for the Senior Art Show, the student artists were required to attend a weekly co-curricular class, develop a plan to display their artwork, and participate on a planning committee. It is the students themselves who design and install the exhibition— creating the layout, setting up the walls, and designing their own spaces. Each student also developed an artist statement, which was collected in a book and which appeared alongside their artwork.

We celebrate this remarkable group of artists, and we thank the upper school art department (Caitlin Clifford, Cordelia Larsen, Ian Myers, Jess Simpson-Somerville, and Joseph Wilcox) for helping the students develop their work and for curating this wonderful art show.

Enjoy more photos from the (absolutely outstanding) Senior Art Show here.

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