Student Life: Language Therapy

Language Therapy

Language therapy support services for our students

Language therapy support is critical at all levels of education. Our language therapy professionals help every student strengthen important language skills to increase their performance in the classroom. Language support is woven into the school day to address language difficulties so that all students are working at their full potential.

Language therapists work collaboratively with teachers to discuss each student’s needs and expectations. All classrooms and therapists’ rooms are outfitted with sound field amplification systems, which decrease extraneous background noise and minimize distractions, helping students who need this extra support to listen and focus. Language therapists collaborate with the educational technology specialists as needed at all levels.

Language therapy at MMFS is language-based and does not include speech therapy. For those students who are in need of speech therapy (i.e., articulation, oral motor, or fluency), outside referrals are provided.

Here are some of the specific ways that our language therapy support services help students at each division of our school:

Language therapy support for lower school students

Language therapists work with lower school students, and with fine/gross motor sensory therapists, as needed, to help students improve their expressive and receptive language, auditory processing, and pragmatic language skills. As students move through the lower school, language skills are consistently reintroduced and revisited at appropriate levels at every age.

Language therapy support for middle school students

In transitioning from lower to middle school coursework, students experience a significant shift both in the language used by teachers and the language found in texts. Students in middle school grades need to be able to express their point of view, listen to the views of others, and integrate ideas from various sources. Language therapy at the middle school level focuses primarily on strengthening language skills for academic learning. Language skills are addressed while working on curriculum content.

Language therapy support for upper school students

The language therapist works with upper school students as needed in the classroom. Students can also work with the language therapist during study halls and after school on an individual or small-group basis for assistance with homework organization and completion. The language therapist provides support to students as they study more complex ideas and prepare for their next steps after life at MMFS.

Next: Fine/Gross Motor Sensory Therapy