MMFS Represents
at the NAIS POCC

January 10, 2020

By Tatesha Clark, Director of Diversity and Equity

Last month, MMFS sent a delegation to the 32nd annual People of Color Conference hosted by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), held this year in Seattle and boasting a record-breaking 7,000 attendees. Faculty members Geleisa George, Nicole Watson, Candace Holmes and I attended and took advantage of an array of workshop offerings on subjects ranging from equity and justice to support and self-care for people of color who work and learn at NAIS member schools.

I am proud to report that for the very first time, MMFS faculty were also there as presenters. Geleisa and Nicole led an excellent workshop entitled “Failure to Thrive: Maintaining Authenticity and Realness.” This seminar explored the struggle for both students and educators of color to establish or maintain authenticity of identity in an independent school setting, and discussed ways to seize the moments needed to thrive within our communities. I was honored to lead a discussion entitled “Religious and Spiritual Practices for Peace, Equity, and Justice” with my colleague Jason Craig Harris, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Friends Seminary. It was a remarkable conference, and we were proud to share our perspectives and represent MMFS.

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