Martin Luther King Jr. Day at MMFS

January 20, 2023

On Monday, 40 students and faculty, staff, and family members gathered for our first in-person MLK Day of Service since 2020. After sharing a light breakfast, the group gathered for Silent Meeting in honor and in memory of Dr. King. The query shared by Tatesha Clark, MMFS Director of Diversity and Equity, and 7th grader Olive Johnson allowed the group to consider Dr. King’s legacy:

Dr. King dedicated his life to building a “beloved community.” He believed that if all people worked for peace and justice, there would be a “beloved community” for all. Today’s query in honor of Dr. King is: How are you going to work to bring Dr. King’s vision alive? How will you work to build, create, and sustain a loving and just community?

Following Silent Meeting, there were workshops focused on taking action, such as letter writing, poster making, story telling, and packing 160 care bags for CHiPS and Brooklyn Monthly Meeting to give out to families and individuals who are food insecure. The morning ended with the group marching to the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall to hold a Silent Vigil honoring Dr. King.
There are so many people to thank for making this program such a success:

  • The Parents Association and Maria Torre for her vision and planning
  • Amanda Ramos and family for their ongoing support and creativity in the poster-making workshop
  • Mia Lew and Jessie Salett for their help making over 40 Intent bracelets in the first-ever workshop led by upper school students
  • Tatesha Clark, for her guidance in planning this event and for her storytelling skills
  • Fry Room for counting all 160 bags!
  • Beth Schneider for her wisdom, guidance, and impressive organizing skills
  • The MMFS community for donating toiletries, socks, underwear, and food for CHiPS and Brooklyn Monthly Meeting *** THERE’S MORE YOU CAN DO – SEE BELOW***
  • The Middle School for sending over many wonderful items left from their care bag drive.

We hope this year’s program inspires people to act to build a Beloved Community as we look forward to next year’s program.

Click here for photos of our MLK Day of Service.

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